Lab 4 (5 points)
CS550, Operating Systems
Introduction to C-Style Dynamic Memory, POSIX Threads, Shared Memory, and MPI Message Passing (IPC)

Name: _____________________________________________

This assignment is loosely based upon the UNIX labs from the CS2351 course at Oklahoma State University, available at To submit this assignment, you may copy and paste the assignment into a text editor such as nano, vi, notepad, MS Word, OpenOffice Writer, etc.  Zip the code and scripts showing the output of your solutions, and submit the zip file to the dropbox for lab 4.  The purpose of this lesson is to learn to about dynamic memory allocation, POSIX Threads, Shared Memory between processes, and MPI Message Passing (also known as Interprocess Communication) in the C programming language.

1. Complete the following program that requires dynamic array allocation.  Add code in place of the ". . ." locations provided below.  You may copy and paste the code below, but be sure to convert it to ASCII, before attempting to compile.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

void print_array(int *, int, char *);
int * sum_arrays(int *, int *, int);

int main(int argc, char ** argv)
  //Declare a pointer to an int
  int * arrA;
  int * arrB;
  int size;
  int i;

  printf("Enter the array size: ");
  scanf("%d", &size);

  //Allocate memory for array A.  This must be casted as an int pointer
  //because malloc returns a void pointer (void *).  A void pointer is a
  //pointer with no assigned type.
  arrA = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int)*size);
  //Do the same for array B.  Note that B will be the same size as A.

  //Store data in the arrays
  for(i = 0; i < size; i++)
    arrA[i] = arrB[i] = i;

  int * arrC = sum_arrays(arrA, arrB, size);

  //print the arrays
  print_array(arrA, size, "A");
  print_array(arrB, size, "B");
  print_array(arrC, size, "C");

  //Free (deallocate) arrays A, B and C here.
  free( (void *) arrA);

  return 0;

//Complete the print_array and sum_array functions here.
//Hint: the output format for print array is up to you, but should include the name of the array.
//Hint: you must allocate and return the array arrC within the sum_arrays function.

2. Complete the following C program that uses six POSIX threads that will add two matrices (arrays) of size 6 by n called A and B and store them in a third array of size 6 by n called C, where n is any integer greater than 0.  This array should be of type static double **.  You must allocate the array in your main function and fill it with values.  You may choose any values to place in your array, but it is recommended that you use ones that are may be reproduced and are easy to add.  each thread must add one of the four rows of A with the same row of B, storing the results in the appropriate row of C.  Your main function should print the results of this addition.  Part of the main method is provided below.  Hint: refer to the the code from lab 3.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <pthread.h>

#define NUM_THREADS 6

static double ** matrixA;
//declare matrixB and matrixC here

static int d2_size;

//Define our thread function called matrix_add_thread
void * matrix_add_thread(void *);

int main(int argc, char ** argv)
  pthread_t threadList[NUM_THREADS];  //Declare a list of threads

  int return_code;

  int i;  //counter to keep track of the current thread identifier
  int j;

  printf("Enter the size of the second dimension of the matrix: ");
  scanf("%d", &d2_size);

  matrixA = (double **) malloc(sizeof(double *)*NUM_THREADS);
  //allocate the first dimension of each matrix here

  //Allocate the second dimension of each matrix
  for(i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; i++)
    matrixA[i] = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double)*d2_size);

  //Initialize matrixA and matrixB here

  for(i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; i++)
    printf("From main creating thread %d\n", i);
    return_code = pthread_create(&threadList[i], NULL, MatAddThread,
            (void *) ((long)i));

    if(return_code != NULL)
      printf("The return code from thread %d is %d\n", i, return_code);

  for(i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; i++)
    return_code = pthread_join(threadList[i], NULL);
    if(return_code != NULL)
      printf("Unable to join thread %d\n", i);

  for(i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; i++)
    for(j = 0; j < d2_size; j++)
      printf("matrixC[%d][%d] = %lf\n" , i, j, matrixC[i][j]);

  for(i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; i++)
    free((void *) matrixA[i]);
    //Free the other matrices here

  free((void *) matrixA);
  //Free matrixB and matrixC here

  //Kill the main thread.

  return 0;

//Complete the matrix_add_thread function here

To compile the program above assuming it is named lab4Threads.c, use the following command on any Linux system:

gcc lab4Threads.c -pthread -o lab4Threads.exe

3. Compile and run the two shared memory programs on the examples page of the course website.  Run both programs at the same time in different windows.  If you are using LittleFe, open two PuTTY or ssh terminals to LittleFe.  If you are using BCCD, use two terminals to complete this program.  Open one program in one window and one in the other.  Note that the producer program must be started first.

To compile these programs above assuming they are named shmem_producer.c and shmem_consumer.c, use the following commands on the Littlefe cluster or another computer running the BCCD operating system:

gcc shmem_producer.c -lrt -o shmemp.exe
gcc shmem_consumer.c -lrt -o shmemc.exe

After running the two programs, modify the producer to put ten digits (nine through zero), in shared memory.  Once complete, shared memory should contain 9876543210.  This program should pause for 1 second between each digit added (hint: use sleep(1)).  After a digit is added to the shared memory, be sure to increment the shared memory pointer.  Modify the consumer to continuously print the data in shared memory.  The consumer should keep printing data for 15 seconds.  You will need to include time.h to allow for this action.

4. Compile and run the following program on both Littlefe (Host Name: and Stampede (Host Name: ).  You should be able to login to Stampede using PuTTY and your Stampede username.  Note that you are not allowed to run your program (also called a job) on the login node.  Instructions to submit, run, check, and, if necessary, to kill a job follow after the program.  Note that Stampede runs a variation of Linux called CentOS.  Most of the commands you used on Littlefe such as ps, ls, cat, nano, etc., work on Stampede. 

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "mpi.h"

int main (int argc, char** argv)
  int number_of_processes;
  int my_rank;
  int mpi_error_code;

  mpi_error_code = MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);

    mpi_error_code = MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &my_rank);

    mpi_error_code = MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &number_of_processes);

    //This is the server process.
    if(my_rank == 0)
      printf("Hello from the server!\n");
      mpi_error_code = MPI_Send("Hi from server!", 16, MPI_CHAR, 1, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

      printf("Message was sent from server!\n");
      printf("Hello from the client!\n");

      char str[20];
      mpi_error_code = MPI_Recv(str, 20, MPI_CHAR, 0, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);

      printf("The message received in the client is: %s\n", str);

  mpi_error_code = MPI_Finalize();
  return 0;

Save this program in a file named messages.c on Stampede and on Littlefe. 

Compile your program on the login node using the following command.  Note that this is ok because the compilation uses very few resources.

mpicc messages.c -O3 -o messages.exe

Note that the executable file name matches exactly with what will run in the batch script using ibrun.

On Stampede, you must submit a batch script to run your program.  This means your job waits in a virtual line (a queue) before it may run.  The batch queue scheduler on Stampede is called SLURM (Simple Linux Utility for Resource Management).  Write a SLURM batch script for your program as follows:

#SBATCH -A TG-SEE120004  #Account number
#SBATCH -N 1 -n 2        #Request 1 node (blade) with 2 tasks (cores)
#SBATCH -J messages      #Job name
#SBATCH -o msg.o%j       #Output file name
#SBATCH -p normal        #Queue to use
#SBATCH -t 00:01:00      #Run (wall) time 1 min
ibrun messages.exe

Save this batch script in a file called messages.sbatch on Stampede.

Fix any errors in your program, and submit your program to the batch queue using the following command:

sbatch messages.sbatch

Once your program finishes, the output will show up in a file called msg.oJobNumber, where JobNumber is the job number assigned to your job by Stampede.  You can find this file by using the ls command.  Turn in the contents of this file.

While your program is in the batch, run the following commands on Stampede.  If necessary, submit your program to the batch queue again and quickly run the commands below.  Note that the up and down arrow keys can be used to scroll through previously issued commands.

Recall that the following command allows for you to see all jobs running on Stampede.


You can check the status of your job using the following command:

squeue -u Username

Where Username is your Stampede username.

Note that you may have a program that runs in an infinite loop or enters a condition called deadlock or livelock.  To end such a program that is running on Stampede, you may first determine the job number using squeue as shown above and killing the program with the following command:

scancel JobNumber

5. Modify the program above to send messages from the server to 15 different processes.  This will require a loop to send messages from the server (the "if" statement), but not in the client (the "else" portion).  Note that you will need to modify the batch script to use a total of 16 tasks.  Run this program again using the command:

sbatch messages.sbatch

Once your program finishes, the output will show up in a file called msg.oJobNumber, where JobNumber is the job number assigned to your job by Stampede.  You can find this file by using the ls command.  Turn in your source code, your modified batch script, and the contents of the output file.