Homework 10
CS 345
Computer Organization
10 Points
Due Wednesday, Apr. 22, 2015 at midnight
You must submit a soft copy of this assignment.
All programs requiring a breadboard implementation must be shown to the instructor or TA by 7:00pm on the due date.

1.  Build a four bit adder using JLS.  Try this problem using both one-bit adders/registers and with four-bit adders/registers (1 point).

2.  Determine the truth tables and sum of products equations to perform binary subtraction with one bit (1 point).

3.  Determine the propagation delays for the RS-latch, D-latch, and D-flip-flop examples provided on the class website (1 point).

4.  What would you need to do to make the RS-latch example on the class website produce correct output (1 point)?

5.  Build a simple state machine that simulates a door being opened and closed using JLS (1 point).

6.  Create a breadboard implementation of project 3. Your implementation should use four inputs and seven outputs. The instructor will provide you with additional AND and OR packages to complete this assignment (5 points).